Raising the certainty that you are making a good decision is what we all aim for.
For small business owners, making the right choice of where to advertise can be the difference between success or failure. Obviously we need to be known and achieve sales. However not making a good advertising choice can consume an entire annual advertising budget. Knowing ahead of time what sort of results you can achieve is of course preferable.
If you break it down to basics it will simplify the process. The basics of advertising are the message or message content, communication line or advertising medium, successful delivery, and lastly sales or responses which are an acknowledgement or reply to your advertising message.
Now that you know the basics, you need to find a medium that fulfills all of these.
One way is to try all different ad mediums and see what results are achieved…..a very hit and miss approach. The better way to raise your certainty is to look at the data. Find the medium that ensures your message is seen, and reaches the greatest number of people per dollar spent. Highway billboards and especially digital outdoor billboard advertising have some of the lowest costs for number of people reached. If you are advertising in the Okanagan, Vernon or Kelowna B.C. markets, you can be seen by almost 100,000 per day for less than $30.00! This is 5 times more people reached per dollar than any other ad medium. And with a big illuminated digital screen you know for certain (there’s that word again) that your ad will be seen.
Digital outdoor signs have the versatility to run multiple ads and allow you to buy much shorter terms of advertising lowering your total dollar exposure and risk. Digitaloutdoor.ca and BCbillboards.ca offer a wide choice of these advertising options. We believe we have the most cost effective advertising options for your business. Compare and do the math… The higher your exposure numbers the lower your risk.